- Description
- Objectives
- Outline
- Materials
- Certification
- System Requirements
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Our Complete Career Training Programs (CCTP) include both the training you need and the skills you will want in order to be prepared for your new career. We have taken online career programs to a whole new level by bundling our Career Training with Professional Development and Personal Enrichment courses to ensure you have a diversified learning experience.
Our mentor-supported career courses focus on the industry standards that prepare you for your chosen career or certification. You will also get our smaller, self-study professional development courses to fine tune some of the softer skills needed in your chosen career, and our four-week long, instructor-led personal enrichment courses to further your employment training.
Sign up today for this all-inclusive career training program!
QuickBooks® Pro
After completing this course, you should be able to:
- List the basics for getting started with QuickBooks
- Define the steps for completing daily entry tasks
- Recognize the steps to print checks, process taxes, process payroll and track expenses
- Identify the steps for creating and printing reports, invoicing, file management, and backing up information
- Describe steps for creating charts for tracking actual spending, income, inventory, assets, and liabilities
Professional Bookkeeping
After completing this course, you should be able to:
- Identify the daily tasks and procedures involved with bookkeeping
- Define inventory systems and the steps needed to issue financial statements
- Recall the methods for managing credits and collections
- List the steps involved in accounts payable and recordkeeping
- Describe the fundamentals of mastering internal controls and fraud prevention
Administrative Assistant
After completing this course, you should be able to:
- Identify general office tasks and procedures
- Recognize types of office equipment and computer programs used in business
- Describe the fundamentals of working with a team, communication skills and developing presentations
- Recall record keeping procedures
- Identify the basic requirements for bookkeeping and accounting in the office
Microsoft Excel® 2019
After completing this course, you should be able to:
- List the basic range functions in Microsoft Excel 2019
- Identify the correct use of formulas, worksheets, and workbooks
- Recall how to create professional looking charts, tables, and graphics
- Recognize how to import, use, and analyze data
Start Your Own Bookkeeping Business
After completing this course, you should be able to:
- Identify various challenges in starting a bookkeeping business
- Recall methods and techniques for setting up a bookkeeping business
- List strategies to use in a marketing campaign
- Define client management techniques and recognize financial considerations for starting a business
QuickBooks® Pro
QuickBooks Pro Module 1
An Accounting Primer
- Principles of Accounting
- Double-Entry Bookkeeping
- Accounts Receivable
- Inventory Accounting
- Recording Accounts Payable Transactions
- Accounting for Fixed Assets
- Recognizing Liabilities
- Closing Out Revenue and Expense Accounts
QuickBooks Pro Module 2
Setting Up QuickBooks
- Planning Your New System
- Installing QuickBooks
- QuickBooks Setup Wizard
- Identifying the Starting Trial Balance
- Loading the Master File Lists
- Setting Up QuickBooks Preferences
- Specifying Reports and Graphs
QuickBooks Pro Module 3
Bookkeeping Basics
- Invoicing Customers
- Recording Sales Receipts and Credit Memos
- Paying Vendors
- Paying Bills
- Tracking Inventory and Items
- Managing Cash and Bank Accounts
- Reconciling Bank Accounts
- Setting Up Payroll
- Paying Employees
QuickBooks Pro Module 4
Accounting Chores
- Working with QuickBooks Journal Entries
- Reviewing the Accountant and Tax Reports
- Preparing Financial Statements and Reports
- Preparing a Budget
- Using Activity-Based Costing
- Setting Up Project and Job Costing Systems
QuickBooks Pro Module 5
Financial Management
- Ratio Analysis
- Liquidity and Leverage Ratios
- Activity and Profitability Ratios
- Economic Value-Added Analysis
- Capital Budgeting
- Measuring Liquidity
- Thinking About Risk
QuickBooks Pro Module 6
Business Plans
- Profit-Volume-Cost Analysis
- Calculating Break-Event Points
- Creating a Business Forecast
- Reviewing Financial Statements and Ratios
- Using the Business Plan Workbook
- Writing a Business Plan
- Strategic Plans
QuickBooks Pro Module 7
Administering QuickBooks and Protecting Data
- Keeping Data Confidential
- Using Audit Trails
- Simultaneous Multiuser Access
- Backing Up the QuickBooks Data File
- Restoring a QuickBooks Data File
- Condensing the QuickBooks Company Files
- Troubleshooting
**Outlines are subject to change, as courses and materials are updated.**
Professional Bookkeeping
Professional Bookkeeping Module 1
Setting Up Your Accounting System
- Bookkeeping and Accounting Basics
- Chart of Accounts
- Debits vs. Credits
- Double-Entry Accounting
- Using Journal Entries and Ledgers
- Choosing an Accounting Method
- Cash and Accrual Basis
Professional Bookkeeping Module 2
Recording Accounting Transactions
- Business Transactions
- Managing Bookkeeping and Accounting System
- End-of-Period Procedures
- Tracking Purchases
- Tracking Inventory
- Collecting on Cash Sales
- Processing Employee Payroll and Benefits
- Taxing Payrolls
Professional Bookkeeping Module 3
Adjusting and Closing Entries
- Depreciating Your Assets
- Paying and Collecting Interest
- Proving Out the Cash
- Closing Cash Journals
- Reconciling Accounts and Closing Journal Entries
- Checking Your Accuracy
- Working with Trial Balance
- Developing a Financial Statement Worksheet
- Adjusting the Books
Professional Bookkeeping Module 4
Preparing Income Statements and Balance Sheets
- Origins of Accounting Standards
- Understanding the Nature of Profit
- Preparing Income Statements Related to Profit
- Assessing the Balance Sheet’s Asset Section
- Accounting for Liabilities
- Keeping Current Liabilities Under Control
- Capital Stock
- Coupling the Income Statement and Balance Sheet
Professional Bookkeeping Module 5
Reporting on Financial Statements
- Clarifying the Values of Assets in Balance Sheets
- Introducing Business Valuation
- Cash Flows and Changes in Equity
- Difference Between Cash and Profit
- Analyzing Financial Statements
- Explanatory Notes and Disclosures
- Reports to Shareholders
Professional Bookkeeping Module 6
Planning and Budgeting for Business
- Incorporating Your Business
- Choosing a Legal Structure for a Business
- Outlining a Basic Business Plan
- Budgeting Basics
- Budgeting with Cash or Accrual Accounting
- Long-Term Obligations
Professional Bookkeeping Module 7
Business Decisions
- Estimating Costs with Job Costing
- Performing Activity-Based Costing
- Examining Contribution Margins
- Accounting for Change with Variance Analysis
- Smart Pricing Decisions
- Financial Formulas
Professional Bookkeeping Module 8
Cash and Purchasing
- Identifying Costs and Matching Costs with Revenue
- Satisfying the Matching Principle
- Inventory Cost Flow Assumptions
- Inventory Types
- Incremental and Opportunity Costs
- Interpreting Financial Results
- Reviewing Profit and Earnings
- Maximizing Business Value
Professional Bookkeeping Module 9
Auditing and Detecting Financial Fraud
- Sarbanes-Oxley Regulation
- Preventing Cash Losses from Embezzlement and Fraud
- Assessing Audit Risk
- Collecting and Documenting Audit Evidence
- Auditing a Client’s Internal Controls
- Five Components of Internal Controls
- Common Fraud Schemes
- Financial Statement Fraud
**Outlines are subject to change, as courses and materials are updated.**
Administrative Assistant
Administrative Assistant Module 1
Typing Practice & Improvement
- Pre-Test Your Typing Ability
- Finger Positioning Exercises
- Typing Practice Games
- Typing Progress Tracking
- Improve Your Typing Skills
- Increase Your Typing Speed
Administrative Assistant Module 2
The Workplace
- Office Administrative
- Employer Expectations
- Employer/Employee Responsibilities
- What is a Professional?
- Your Professional Image
- Business Etiquette
Administrative Assistant Module 3
Working Ethically
- Goals and Accountability
- Workstation Organization
- Managing Workload
- Life Management
- Ethics: The Basics
- Characteristics of Ethical Organizations
- Making Ethical Choices
- Working Ethically
Administrative Assistant Module 4
Developing Customer Focus
- Teams at Work
- Team Process
- Contributing to the Team
- Effective Teams and Team Challenges
- Customer Focus
- Customer Strategies
- Customer Service Skills
- Handling Difficult Situations
Administrative Assistant Module 5
Communication Skills
- The Communication Process
- Listening Skills
- Verbal and Nonverbal Communication Skills
- Written Communication Skills
- Global Communication
- Workplace Collaboration Tools
- Telecommunications
- Security Issues
Administrative Assistant Module 6
Presentations and Planning
- Planning and Researching Presentations
- Writing Presentations
- Developing and Using Visual Aids
- Practice and Delivering Presentations
- Types of Meetings
- Meeting Formats
- Meeting Responsibilities
Administrative Assistant Module 7
Records Management
- Value of Records
- Storage Supplies, Equipment, Media
- Records Storage Systems
- Filing Procedures
- Filing Procedures for Electronic Records
- Preparing and Sending Outgoing Mail
- Handling Incoming Mail
Administrative Assistant Module 8
Business Travels and Financials
- Domestic Travel
- International Travel
- Cultural Differences
- Travel Procedures
- Financial Statements
- Employee Payroll
- Financial Forms and Transactions
- Bank Reconciliation
Administrative Assistant Module 9
Career Success
- Job Seeking
- Job Interview Skills
- Job Advancement and Changes
- Leading and Managing
- Leadership Traits
- Leadership Styles
- Leading People
**Outlines are subject to change, as courses and materials are updated.**
Microsoft Excel® 2019
Microsoft Excel® 2019 Module 1
Working with Ranges
In Excel, a range is a group of two or more cells that work together rather than separately. The range is the basic function that makes Excel a powerful tool, and it is discussed in this module. We start by learning how to fill a range with values, move or copy them, and insert or delete them. After that we discuss range names and how to use them. We conclude by discussing how to format fonts, colors, alignments, numbers, column widths, row heights, and other range options.
- Excel’s Ribbon User Interface
- Data Entry
- Cell Formatting
- Working with Columns
- Editing Workbooks
Microsoft Excel® 2019 Module 2
Getting Organized
Once a range is populated and formatted, it’s time to do something with that data. In this module we discuss how to change page orientation, view your pages in Page Layout view, and how to print all or just some of your worksheets. We move on to discuss how to maintain and manipulate the worksheet, which is where you spend most time in Excel, then you will learn how worksheets and workbooks go together. We describe how to name your cells, find and replace information, and how to categorize and maintain multiple worksheets.
- Previewing Pages
- Printing
- Maintaining the Worksheet
- Multiple Worksheets
- What-If Analyses
Microsoft Excel® 2019 Module 3
Tables, Charts, and Graphics
Once you have your workbooks and worksheets created, it’s time to do something useful with your new tools. In this module we first discuss the purpose and multiple uses of Pivot tables. Then we dive into the basics of creating professional looking charts and graphics. Finally, we discuss how to set up and work with data lists in Excel, as well as how to link, automate, and share spreadsheets.
- Pivot Tables
- Working with Charts and Graphics
- Creating Data Lists
- Linking, Automating, and Sharing Spreadsheets
Microsoft Excel® 2019 Module 4
Using and Analyzing Data
In the last module of this course, we explore the do’s and don’ts of working with Excel and we discover important skills required to use Excel successfully. We also discuss how to manage and maintain loads of data and we identify trends in your data.
- Beginner Basics
- Commandments of Excel
- Managing Data
- Analyzing Data
Start Your Own Bookkeeping Business
Start Your Own Bookkeeping Business Module 1
Start-Up Considerations
People start their own businesses for a variety of reasons. What is your motivation for starting your own home-based business? Balancing work and family can be somewhat challenging, but with your dedication, vision and knowledge of how to successfully run a business, you will succeed. This module will take you through starter business challenges and methods to use in your new bookkeeping business.
- How the Industry Has Changed
- Why Be a Home-Based Business?
- Balancing Work and Family
- What is Your Vision for the Business
- Methods to Get Started
Start Your Own Bookkeeping Business Module 2
Setting Up Your Business
Module two will offer tips and suggestions in how to write your business plan. Additionally, we will go through the sequence of steps needed to establish your business identity. Setting up your home office is key to an organized and successful home business. In this module, we will discuss some ideas as to how to set up your home office. We will also explore some of the key technology items to consider when getting started.
- Tools and Resources for Writing the Plan
- Establish Your Business Identity
- Marketing Materials
- Set Up Your Home Office
- Technology: Computer, Software, and Other Equipment
Start Your Own Bookkeeping Business Module 3
Training, Experience and Marketing
In module three, we will look at what you can do to help your business stand out from the crowd. Bookkeeping certification could be just what you need to advance your business. We will discuss the career outlook for bookkeepers and the differences in certification types. Today, businesses heavily rely on social media and only marketing to advertise their brand. In this module, we will discuss strategies to use in your marketing campaign.
- Bookkeeper Certification
- Your Brand
- Contact List for Marketing
- Your Website
- Online Marketing and Social Media
Start Your Own Bookkeeping Business Module 4
Financial Considerations and Client-Management
Module four will focus on the financial considerations and client management areas of your business. Part of our focus will be on billing policies and terms and how to easily manage accounts. We will share what type of software available to you to help with this process. The last part of module four will go over the regulations for preparing taxes and how to follow the boards of accountancy in your state.
- Billing Policies and Terms
- Manage Accounts Receivable and Collections
- Client-Acceptance and Retention Policies
- Systems and Procedures
- State Boards of Accountancy and Regulations for Tax Professionals
All course materials included.
QuickBooks® Pro
Professional Bookkeeping
Upon successful completion of our Professional Bookkeeping course, students will be prepared, in part, to sit for the American Institute of Professional Bookkeeper's (AIPB) Certified Bookkeeper exam. Candidates must also submit proof of at least two years of full time or 3,000 hours of part-time work experience before or after taking the exam. Candidates have 3 years from the exam date to fulfill this requirement.
Note: This course is not affiliated with, nor has it been endorsed by the American Institute of Professional Bookkeepers.
Administrative Assistant
Upon successful completion of our Administrative Assistant course, students will be prepared, in part, to sit for the International Association of Administrative Professional's (IAAP) Certified Administrative Professional exam. Eligible candidates must also demonstrate four years of relevant work experience in the field.
Note: This course is not affiliated with, nor has it been endorsed by the International Association of Administrative Professionals.
Microsoft Excel® 2019
Start Your Own Bookkeeping Business
Internet Connection
- Broadband or High-Speed - DSL, Cable, and Wireless Connections
*Dial-Up internet connections will result in a diminished online experience. Classroom pages may load slowly and viewing large audio and video files may not be possible.
Hardware Requirements
- Processor - 2GHz Processor or Higher
- Memory - 1 GB RAM Minimum Recommended
PC Software Requirements
- Operating Systems - Windows 7 or higher
- Microsoft Office 2013 or higher. Also, you could use a general Word Processing application to save and open Microsoft Office formats (.doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, .pptx)
- Internet Browsers - Google Chrome is highly recommended
- Cookies MUST be enabled
- Pop-ups MUST be allowed (Pop-up Blocker disabled)
- The Kindle Reader App or VitalSource Bookshelf App are needed for many of our courses (No special equipment needed. This can be downloaded for FREE onto your computer.)
- PowerPoint Viewer (if you do not have PowerPoint)
- Adobe PDF Reader
- QuickTime, Windows Media Player &/or Real Player
MAC Software Requirements
- Operating Systems - Mac OS x 10 or higher with Windows
- Mac office programs or a Word Processing application to save and open Microsoft Office formats (.doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, .pptx)
- Internet Browsers- Google Chrome is highly recommended
- Cookies MUST be enabled
- Pop-ups MUST be allowed (Pop-up Blocker disabled)
- The Kindle Reader App or VitalSource Bookshelf App are needed for many of our courses (No special equipment needed. This can be downloaded for FREE onto your computer.)
- PowerPoint Viewer (if you do not have PowerPoint)
- Adobe PDF Reader
- Apple QuickTime Media Player